Collection statement

Words in  Motion  Speech  Pathology is an independent practice under the ownership of  Words in Motion Speech Pathology Pty Ltd.

You may contact WIM by writing to Words in Motion, Waters Edge Business Centre, Level 1, 2-8 Lake Street Caroline  Springs  3023,  by emailing or by calling  Rose Purdie (Clinical Director/Privacy Officer) on 9217 6423. You have the right to gain access to the information held by Words in Motion about you and your child. Our Privacy Policy (available upon request) contains information on how you may request access to, and correction of,  your personal information and how you may complain about a  breach of your privacy and how we will deal with such a complaint.

WIM needs to collect information about you for the primary purpose of providing quality treatment. In order to fully assess, diagnose and treat your child we need to collect some personal information from you. This information will also be used for the administrative purposes of running the practice such  as  billing  you  or  through  an  insurer  or  compensation  agency.  Information  will  be  used  within the  practice  for  handover  when  another  speech  pathologist  will  be  providing  you  with  ongoing assistance.

WIM  may disclose information regarding diagnosis or treatment to your doctor or other treatment providers only with your consent.  In the case of insurance or compensation claims,  it may be necessary to disclose information and/or collect information that affects your treatment and return to work. We will not disclose your information to commercial companies, however, specific service or product information as deemed suitable for your speech pathology management may be forwarded to you by us, unless you instruct us not to forward this type of information. Your written consent will be obtained at the start of your treatment in order to carry out the above activities. We do not disclose your personal information to overseas recipients. Information at  WIM  is stored securely and only practice staff have access to it.  We take all reasonable steps to ensure that information collected about you is accurate,  complete and up-to-date. 

You may have access to your information on request and if you believe that any of the information is inaccurate we may be able to amend it accordingly.  If you do not provide relevant personal or health information, in part or in full, to WIM it may result in an incomplete assessment. This may impact the diagnosis and the following therapy that is provided. Any concerns that you may have  about  this  policy  or  about  your  management  can  be  directed  to  Laura Williams  (Clinic Manager/Feedback Officer) on 92176423 or